WEBINAR: Direct and representative worker participation: exploring areas for their interaction.
March 28 @ 10:00 – 11:00 GMT
This is a webinar and it will be delivered via Microsoft Teams. This webinar is part of the EUWIN and Bridges 5.0 programme of events.
After introducing the meaning and key dimensions to classify worker participation, the webinar will focus on the direct and representative channels for worker voice, their history, traditional objectives and boundaries. Despite the widespread perception of an incompatibility between these two forms of worker voice (on the one hand, due to fears of marginalisation of worker representatives following the introduction of direct participation practices, and on the other hand due to the alleged irrelevance of direct participation in unionised contexts), they have proved to coexist in many workplaces.
The webinar will therefore show the dynamics of coexistence and relations of direct and representative participation, primarily in Italian workplaces albeit with insights into other European countries, by also considering the different institutional frameworks. It will also consent to explore the distribution of competences between these two forms of voice as well as the areas where they prove to fruitfully interact, and the challenges and opportunities associated with their functional combination.
Discover the full programme and book your place.

EUWIN (the European Workplace Innovation Network) is a community of researchers and practitioners from business, public policy, research and social partner organisations. Its remit is to promote workplace practices that lead to simultaneous improvements in organisational performance and quality of working life for employees. First established by the European Commission in 2013, EUWIN is now funded and managed by a network of international partners.

Bridging human & digital potential. Bridges 5.0 creates a unique consortium based on active collaboration between researchers, 8 EU industrial companies, 9 Industry 4.0 ecosystems, and the main EU social partners.