WEBINAR: Workplace innovation in France: latest developments in Anact.
October 27, 2023 @ 11:00 – 12:00 BST
Webinar recording
A recording of this webinar is available on the recordings page.
At a time of ecological, economic and societal transitions, it is more important than ever to place work at the heart of social and professional dialogue. ANACT, the French National Agency for the Improvement of Working Conditions, has been acting for 50 years to improve the quality of working life through a concerted approach to changes in the workplace. Today, the agency continues to help companies and public organisations to cope with professional transitions with innovative methods and tools designed on the basis of pilot projects. In this webinar, we will focus on its gender mainstreaming approach, which enables companies to take into account the different work situations of women and men in order to integrate equality issues into organisational transitions, such as the introduction of hybrid work.
Ségolène JOURNOUD and Karine BABULE are in charge with international projects at Anact, helping companies improve their quality of working life.
Discover the full programme and book your place.
EUWIN (the European Workplace Innovation Network) is a community of researchers and practitioners from business, public policy, research and social partner organisations. Its remit is to promote workplace practices that lead to simultaneous improvements in organisational performance and quality of working life for employees. First established by the European Commission in 2013, EUWIN is now funded and managed by a network of international partners.