Steven Dhondt
TNO, Project Leader

Innovation is sometimes seen as an individualistic act. An inventor works in a secluded environment on their ideas and then surprises the world. Such a role is viewed as a privilege.

There are several historical examples of Kings, Queens and Princes(ses) for whom innovation was a hobby. Their approach to innovation was essentially privileged and not meant to be encouraged among the general population. These views on innovation are from the past. Today, while innovation can still be an individual act (see the great number of patents produced each year), in most cases, innovation is the result of collaborative effort.

The Bridges 5.0 project is designed to innovate collaboratively and our project begins with relationship building. The project team collaborates with companies, networks of stakeholders, and other research teams. We are moving toward our definitional report on workforce skills for Industry 5.0, involving intense discussion within the project team and with our various stakeholders.

Our efforts are supported by the European Commission’s newly created Industry 5.0 Community of Practice in which more than 100 stakeholder organisations are connected. Needless to say this phase in the innovation process is time-consuming, but it is worth the investment.

The conditions for more innovation have been created. Our teams are now exploring what needs to change to ensure the success of Industry 5.0. How do we measure learning organisations? How do we handle Big Data related to organisational and vacancy information? How do we test training interventions in companies and stakeholder groups? How do we integrate this information into a platform? And what does this mean for the future of work? These are many questions awaiting a response. Our teams are collaborating intensively on these questions, and the following months will show progress. Somewhat faster than the lonely Prince or Princess!”

Do get in touch if you’d like to be part of Bridges 5.0.

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