Dunja Suttnig

What is your role in the Bridges 5.0 project?

I’m the Project Manager for Infineon, and President of the Bridges 5.0 Company Board.

Please describe yourself in three words

Kind. Responsible. Creative.

How would you summarise what you do for a living?

I manage projects. I make sure to identify people with the best knowledge and skills to perform necessary tasks in the most efficient and qualitative manner. I like to think that the purpose of my job is to connect and motivate people to contribute to the common goal.

What’s the best thing about your job?

The chance to meet and interact with people from different cultures, geographies and backgrounds.

Please identify two or three career highlights

Most proud of – successfully building up an international, cross-borders team and establishing a whole department with a new line of service in my previous company.

Most exciting – taking up a professional opportunity in Infineon.

Did you ever think life would take you down this path?

No. My life turned out totally unexpectedly, but at the same time it’s amazing and fulfilling!

What would you have been if you career hadn’t led you here?

I would have been regional Head of HR Consulting in global Consulting (“Big 4”) company.

How do you spend your leisure time?

Reading. Meeting friends. Travelling.

What makes you happy?

Time spent with family!

Tell me something about yourself that would surprise your colleagues?

Hmmm… That is a difficult one. I don`t have many secrets as I`m a rather open and honest person.

Finally, please tell me something about your background

I’m 37 and married with one child.

Born and brought up in Belgrade, Serbia. After some years of living and working abroad, I finally settled in Klagenfurt in the most beautiful part of Austria, surrounded with gorgeous mountains and crystal-clear lakes.

Dunja Suttnig

Infineon Technologies Austria AG

Funding Project Manager HR / Talent

Innovation and Funding Management

Office: +43 5 1777 17355

Mobile: +43 676 82056516

Email: Dunja.Suttnig@infineon.com

Siemensstrasse 2, 9500 Villach, Austria

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