Our regular series in which we ask Bridges 5.0 people to reveal something about themselves. In this edition, meet Unai Ziarsolo (TKNIKA).

Please describe yourself in three words

VET Teacher, idealistic, cheerful.

What is your role in Bridges 5.0?

WP6 Leader – Learning Factory 5.0 for Industry 4.0 networks.

How would you summarise what you do for a living?

I work in international projects to transfer knowledge and to apply solutions in VET centres in the Basque Country.

What is your job title?

International Project Manager.

Did you ever think life would take you down this path?

Not at all. Nothing is planned.

Please identify two or three career highlights

The setting up of the Cold Forging department at Miguel Altuna VET centre,  a fruitful collaboration between industry and education, a change of mindset for all the stakeholders.

What would you have been if you career hadn’t led you here?

No idea, trapeze artist maybe.

What’s the best thing about your job?

Work in topics that I like, and learn from people that I meet in projects.

How do you spend your leisure time?

Read, listen to music (on vinyl of course), mountain bike.

What makes you happy?

More and more, small things, a conversation, a book, a concert, a smile, a walk…

Tell me something about yourself that would surprise your colleagues

I always find records shops in all the cities I visit, with very little exceptions.

Finally, please share some personal details that you’re prepared to publish

51, born, brought up and live in Bergara in the Basque Country, married and the father of a lovely daughter.

You can read more partner profiles here.

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