In 2020, the European Commission embarked on an ambitious journey to shape the future of the industry with the launch of its Industry 5.0 initiative. Spearheaded by the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD), the initiative seeks to revolutionise industrial policy by focusing on sustainability, resilience, and human-centric workplaces. Amidst a flurry of suggestions and ideas, a critical discussion emerged on how to smooth the path forward. To tackle this challenge, DG RTD invited an array of networks and stakeholders to collaborate and craft an agenda for Industry 5.0, giving rise to the Industry 5.0 Community of Practice (CoP).
Central to this initiative are two main working groups. The first is dedicated to mapping out the practices of Industry 5.0, identifying and categorising the innovative approaches being adopted across the sectors. The second group focuses on underpinning the concept itself, exploring the theoretical foundations and implications of this new industrial paradigm. At the heart of these efforts is Bridges 5.0, playing a pivotal role in driving the development forward. Steven Dhondt has been called upon to assist DG RTD, leveraging his expertise to guide the initiative.
Over the past few months, our team at Bridges 5.0 has been instrumental in organising and shaping the planned sessions. To date, three webinars have been conducted, engaging stakeholders in meaningful discussions about learning organisations and ecosystems. These conversations are just the beginning, with further discussions on Open Social Innovation on the horizon. A general meeting is scheduled for May to synthesise all results and chart the way forward.
For Bridges 5.0, this represents a significant opportunity to contribute results, forge new partnerships, and initiate innovative projects. Looking ahead, the future promises a second call for expressions of interest post-May 2024. This next phase of the CoP will set new objectives to help redefine the landscape of European industry. Bridges 5.0 is proud to be at the forefront of this transformative work, committed to shaping an industry that is not only advanced technologically but also socially responsible and human-centric.
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May 11, 2024