Bridges 5.0 visits partner organisation TKNIKA in Donostia/San Sebastián
We’re coming towards the end of year one, and Bridges 5.0 is already making an impact. In the last few months alone we’ve engaged conference audiences in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Bonn, Rimini and San Sebastián/Donostia, launched a new webinar series, held our first Scientific Advisory Board meeting, gathered insights from companies and other stakeholders through an online survey and a series of dialogue workshops, made steady progress in defining the Teaching and Learning Factory interventions, launched our first video, and published a Policy Brief!
Through all these activities, we’re building strong relations across the Industry 5.0 stakeholder community including companies, social partners, VET providers, policymakers and researchers. BRIDGES 5.0 aims to help companies to adapt to Industry 5.0 and other stakeholders are keen to learn about the results.
Five companies joined the project as research partners and a further four are linked to BRIDGES 5.0 as non-funded associate partners. Our dialogue workshops are already drawing on their experiences and insights, and they will continue to guide the project through the Company Board, led by Austrian chips manufacturer Infineon. We’re also in discussion with two other major companies about joining BRIDGES 5.0 as associate partners – their identities will be revealed in the next Newsletter! We can share the name of a new BRIDGES 5.0 associate partner: is a Dutch network that works with the labour market parties in the South of the Netherlands.
We’re working hard on defining the Industry 5.0 concept and you can read our report here. But it doesn’t stop there! The BRIDGES 5.0 team will continue it’s ‘sensemaking’ activities through continuing dialogue and engagement with stakeholders, not least by bridging theory and the manifestations of Industry 5.0 in practice.
A key test of Bridges 5.0’s success over the next three years will lie in the extent to which we have built a shared understanding and a sense of common purpose amongst diverse stakeholders in moving towards a stronger, fairer and more sustainable European economy.
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May 11, 2024